The World Health Organization has announced on May 31, 2011 that cell phones can possibly cause cancer and as a result, have listed cell phones as a "carcinogenic hazard", in the same category with lead and engine exhaust. cell phone scrambler
The peer-reviewed study consisting of 31 scientists from 14 different countries found evidence for an increase in some brain cancers (glioma and acoustic neuroma), cancers that take a while to develop and the scientists fear that long-term usage could result in more of these types of cancer. cell phone signal jammer Cell phones communicate using signals in the microwave spectrum. The invisible stream of RF (radio frequency) signals penetrate our bodies when the device is held close, and as well as the long-term potential for cancer, there is also the potential to impact cognitive memory functions and to cause disorientation and dizziness. This article explains how to take precautions when using your cell phone.
Balance the safety and convenience. While there have been ample studies showing that there may be side effects to cell phone usage, there have been many studies refuting the health impacts, causing a large level of uncertainty and misunderstanding. It's human nature to keep using something that works for us unless proven hazardous, so this uncertainty has worked in favor of continued, increased use of cell phones. Understandably so too – cell phones are convenient, they allow you to find people fast, do business anywhere, and stay in touch around the world. cell phone signal blocker However, they are also a "massive human experiment", with more than 2-4 billion people in the world experiencing 70 to 80 percent of the cell phone's energy penetrating the skull, with unknown long-term outcomes. 4g cell phone jammer kit
When weighing up this convenient tool with the questionable health impact, do you want to take this risk with your health? Choosing to err on the side of caution and taking measures to reduce your exposure to radio frequency (RF) emissions from your cell phone is a good preventative health action over which you have control.
4g cell phone jammer Return to the cord phone or land-line phone. Try taking most of your calls using the "old-fashioned" way of a phone plugged into the wall. If you like pacing as you talk, get a longer cord. At least make a large effort to take calls that you know will last a long time on a corded phone for your day-to-day communications.