
Adjustable Desktop 6 Antennas Cell Phone All Frequency Signal Jammer

Adjustable Desktop 6 Antennas Cell Phone All Frequency Signal Jammer 

JYT-670  6 antennas cell phone signal jammer(also as signal blocker,signal isolater) with frequncies of CDMA,GSM,PCS,3G,4G is our new arrival in 2017. The most advanced desgin of this cell phone jammer is the good cooling system,the face temperature is below 45°C while working under normal temperature,which enhance the stability of the device.
Meanhile ,it has the following features:
* 6 antennas for almost all cell phone signals
* With adjustable button to min or max single band
* With car charger, can be used in car directly
* Good cooling system, face temperature below 45°C (working under normal temperature)
* OEM welcomed

Jamming Frequencies:

European standardAmerican standard
CDMA: 850-894MHzCDMA: 850-894MHz
GSM: 925-960MHzGSM: 925-960MHz
GSM/PCS: 1805-1990MHzGSM/PCS: 1805-1990MHz
3G: 2110-2170MHz3G: 2110-2170MHz
4GLTE: 790-826MHz4GLTE: 725-770MHz
4GWIMAX: 2620-2690MHz4GWIMAX: 2345-2400MH

1,6 antennas for almost all cell phone signals
2,With adjustable button to min or max single band
3, With car charger, can be used in car directly
4,Good cooling system, face temperature below 45°C (working under normal temperature)
5,OEM welcomed
6,Stable capability
7,Could be used in car directly, with car charger
8,Total output power: 15W
9,Full set weight: 4kg
10,Power supply: AC 100-240V and 12V cable to car battery (300mm Long)
11,Shielding radius: (10-40) meters at 75dBm (depends on the strength signal in given area)
12,Dimensions: 346*116*60mm

Application area:
  • Can be applied at meeting rooms, conference rooms, trains and bus
  • For some locations of special purpose such as hospitals, gas stations
  • Do field test first to make sure no interference happened to the normal operation of their equipment and instrument

Company Advantage:

1,Our Company establish in 2011,More than 5 years design,develop,manufacture and export experence in wireless signal jammer.
2,Our products with high quality,Return rate less than 3% every year.
3,Timely delivery,The delay rate of delivery in previous years less than 3%.
3,We have a R&D team of 10 people can provide 5-10 new products what suitable for market each year!
4,The new products information will be priority provide to 2 to 3 company which like yours,period time is 1 month.
5,We are cooperation with Pakistan Gaverment to protect the leading and VIP in public place,we can provide the solution for you.

Third Floor,Block T,NanLian HengYu Industry Park,No.1,RuiJi Road,LongGang District,Shenzhen,Guangdong,China
(Kevin Wu) TEL: (86)755-23123361 Fax:(86)-755-23149611
Cellphone : 86-13640954818 Email:sale02@gasiajammer.com
Website: www.gasiajammer.com


Unique Portable Full Frequencies GPS GSM Cell Phone Signal Jammer

Unique Portable Full Frequencies GPS GSM Cell Phone Signal Jammer 

Product Application:

1.It can be applied at meeting rooms, conference rooms,
museums, galleries, theaters, concert halls, churches, temples,
restaurants, classrooms, training centers, factories, banks, trains,
bus and more.
2.For some locations of special purpose such as hospitals, gas
stations and more, please do field test first to make sure no
interference happened to the normal operation of their equipment
and instrument.


* World first 12 bands all-in-one frequencies blocking all cell phone signals,GPS,WIFI,315,433 RF signals.
Jamming range 5 to 20 meters(@-75dbm,depends on signal strength in given area.)
* Hand-held design,palm size,small size similar to cell phone or Walkie-Talkie.
* Easy to carry.Can be put into the pocket, bag, can also be suspended or wear on belt.
* With DIP switch,can turn on/off any single band without affect other bands.
* With car charger,can used in car directly.DC12V. Also AC power supply is available.
* Good cooling system,with 3 cooling fans,face temperature below 42ºC even work 2H continuously
(using under normal temperature).
*With built-in battery,can work 80 minutes:use the world's most secure polymer high-capacity batteries,
can be repeated charging.
Shielding Range:5 ~20M(-75dBm,depending on
the distance of base station
in an open filed)
Total output power: 10W
Power supply:50-60Hz, 100-240V AC,DC12V.
Dimension:171*98*58mm(not include
Full set weight:2kg
Jammed Signal Types:CDMA,GSM,PCS,DCS,3G,4G WIMAX,4G,LTE,315,433,868,GPS,WIFI,LOJACK…
Output Channel: 12 output channels 
GSM/PCS: 1805-1990MHzGSM/PCS: 1805-1990MHz
WIFI 2.4G: 2400-2500MHzWIFI 2.4G: 2400-2500MHz
4GLTE:790-826MHz or
4GLTE:790-826MHz or

Third Floor,Block T,NanLian HengYu Industry Park,No.1,RuiJi Road,LongGang District,Shenzhen,Guangdong,China
(Kevin Wu) TEL: (86)755-23123361 Fax:(86)-755-23149611
Cellphone : 86-13640954818 Email:sale02@gasiajammer.com
Website: www.gasiajammer.com


Adjustable Desktop 6 Antennas Cell Phone All Frequency Signal Jammer

Adjustable Desktop 6 Antennas Cell Phone All Frequency Signal Jammer 

JYT-670  6 antennas cell phone signal jammer(also as signal blocker,signal isolater) with frequncies of CDMA,GSM,PCS,3G,4G is our new arrival in 2017. The most advanced desgin of this cell phone jammer is the good cooling system,the face temperature is below 45°C while working under normal temperature,which enhance the stability of the device.
Meanhile ,it has the following features:
* 6 antennas for almost all cell phone signals
* With adjustable button to min or max single band
* With car charger, can be used in car directly
* Good cooling system, face temperature below 45°C (working under normal temperature)
* OEM welcomed

Jamming Frequencies:

European standardAmerican standard
CDMA: 850-894MHzCDMA: 850-894MHz
GSM: 925-960MHzGSM: 925-960MHz
GSM/PCS: 1805-1990MHzGSM/PCS: 1805-1990MHz
3G: 2110-2170MHz3G: 2110-2170MHz
4GLTE: 790-826MHz4GLTE: 725-770MHz
4GWIMAX: 2620-2690MHz4GWIMAX: 2345-2400MH

1,6 antennas for almost all cell phone signals
2,With adjustable button to min or max single band
3, With car charger, can be used in car directly
4,Good cooling system, face temperature below 45°C (working under normal temperature)
5,OEM welcomed
6,Stable capability
7,Could be used in car directly, with car charger
8,Total output power: 15W
9,Full set weight: 4kg
10,Power supply: AC 100-240V and 12V cable to car battery (300mm Long)
11,Shielding radius: (10-40) meters at 75dBm (depends on the strength signal in given area)
12,Dimensions: 346*116*60mm

Application area:
  • Can be applied at meeting rooms, conference rooms, trains and bus
  • For some locations of special purpose such as hospitals, gas stations
  • Do field test first to make sure no interference happened to the normal operation of their equipment and instrument

Company Advantage:

1,Our Company establish in 2011,More than 5 years design,develop,manufacture and export experence in wireless signal jammer.
2,Our products with high quality,Return rate less than 3% every year.
3,Timely delivery,The delay rate of delivery in previous years less than 3%.
3,We have a R&D team of 10 people can provide 5-10 new products what suitable for market each year!
4,The new products information will be priority provide to 2 to 3 company which like yours,period time is 1 month.
5,We are cooperation with Pakistan Gaverment to protect the leading and VIP in public place,we can provide the solution for you.

Third Floor,Block T,NanLian HengYu Industry Park,No.1,RuiJi Road,LongGang District,Shenzhen,Guangdong,China
(Kevin Wu) TEL: (86)755-23123361 Fax:(86)-755-23149611
Cellphone : 86-13640954818 Email:sale02@gasiajammer.com
Website: www.gasiajammer.com


Factory Handheld 8 Antennas GPS GSM Signal Jammer with Case

Factory Handheld 8 Antennas GPS GSM Signal Jammer With Case


No need to use another jammer,this  bands jammer can meet your target of most general type of affected
frequencies.Easy to carry on,it's handheld.Good cooling system with cooling fans inside. 

Product Application:

1.It can be applied at meeting rooms, conference rooms,
museums, galleries, theaters, concert halls, churches, temples,
restaurants, classrooms, training centers, factories, banks, trains,
bus and more.
2.For some locations of special purpose such as hospitals, gas
stations and more, please do field test first to make sure no
interference happened to the normal operation of their equipment
and instrument.

1.With nylon cover, easy to carry.
2.Configured to block eight different frequency bands continuously or simultaneously.
3.With DIP Switch.Separete swicth for each band,accopanied with a working LED light.
4.Total RF output power up tp 5.5 watt.
5.Could be used in car directly. With car charger and AC charger.
6.. With Built-in Battery: 4000mA/h.Charge full time about 4Hours.Working time: 1.5 hours.
7. Inside 2 cooling fans and heat sink design ensure the device to work continuously.  
Shielding Range:20M(-75dBm,depending on
the distance of base station
in an open filed)
Total output power: 5.5W
Power supply:50-60Hz, 100-240V AC,DC12V.
Dimension:156x 88 x 46mm(not include
Full set weight:1.5kg
Output Channel: 8 output channels 
European standardAmerican standard
CDMA: 850-894MHzCDMA: 850-894MHz
GSM:925-960MHzGSM: 925-960MHz
GSM/PCS: 1805-1990MHzGSM/PCS: 1805-1990MHz
WIFI 2.4G: 2400-2500MHzWIFI 2.4G: 2400-2500MHz
4GLTE:790-826MHz 4GLTE:725-770MHz


High Power Draw Bar Box 6 Channel Mobile Drone UAV Signal Jammer

High Power Draw Bar Box 6 Channel Mobile Signal Jammer

High Power Draw Bar Box 6 Channels Mobile Signal Jammer 300W up to 1500 meters is the
latest professional signal jammer of high power.
This type of frequncies is sepcially suitable for Drone Jammer.

It is suitable to protect important leadership or VIP security, individual combat,
SWAT teams, EOD teams, anti-terrorist units, anti-drug units, bomb squad, security
checkpoints, administrative law enforcement, hostage negotiations, border control
and military security forces and other application areas.
ParameterShielding Range:Radius 200-500 meters(-75dBm,
depending on the distance of
 base station in an open filed)
Transmission Power: Integrated Equipment≥300W,
each channel≥50W
Jammed Signal Types:CDMA, GSM ,GPS L1,GPS L2-L5,2.4G WIFI,5.8G WIFI
Features1,Ultra-wideband jamming coverage; continuously jamming
wireless signals 20M~3000MHz
2,Draw-bar box designed for portability and easy moving;
3,Built-in rechargeable battery can be used for 90~120
minutes after being fully charged;
4,Manual switch and remote control;
5,Each channel module can start or close individually;
6,Efficient frequency division ensures the best
interference effect on signals of different frequencies
7,Efficient power distribution minimizes power loss and
improves efficiency; the power can be regulated as
needed ( optional gear regulation);
8,Military standard casing, which is anti-throw, pressure-
resistant and durable;
9,AC110-220V/Built-in battery supply (DC27V)/Vehicle power
supply (DC27V);
10,Built-in efficient cooling fan and cooling fin ensures
the product work stably in a long service life
Net Weight 49kg
Total Weight85kg Aviation Case included
Ambient Temperature-10ºC - +50ºC
Relative Humidity≤80%
Power Consumption≤360W
Power InputAC100~240V,DC27V
Battery27V,40AH,Built-in standby battery
can used for 90~120 minutes
Antenna ParametersOmni antennas,gain:4~5dBi
Switch ControlManually
Equipment ChassisMetallic Paint
Band Parameters
2.4G WIFI:2400~2450MHz
2.4G WIFI:2450~2500MHz,
5.8G WIFI:5725-5850MHz
GPS L1:1520~1580MHz
GPS L2~L5:1100~1300MHz

Third Floor,Block T,NanLian HengYu Industry Park,No.1,RuiJi Road,LongGang District,Shenzhen,Guangdong,China
(Kevin Wu) TEL: (86)755-23123361 Fax:(86)-755-23149611
Cellphone : 86-13640954818 Email:sale02@gasiajammer.com
Website: www.gasiajammer.com


Newest 8 Antennas Cell Phone Blocker GPS GSM Jammer

                                               Newest 8 Antennas Cell Phone Blocker GPS GSM Jammer

High Power Draw Bar Box 8 Channels Mobile Signal Jammer 200W up to 500 meters is the
latest professional signal jammer of high power.
This type of frequncies is sepcially suitable for Phone Jammer.

It is suitable to protect important leadership or VIP security, individual combat,
SWAT teams, EOD teams, anti-terrorist units, anti-drug units, bomb squad, security
checkpoints, administrative law enforcement, hostage negotiations, border control
and military security forces and other application areas.
ParameterShielding Range:Radius 100-300 meters(-75dBm,
depending on the distance of
 base station in an open filed)
Transmission Power: Integrated Equipment≥200W,
each channel≥25W
Jammed Signal Types:CDMA, GSM ,DCS,3G,4G,315MHz,433MHz,868MHz
Features1,Large coverage, covering all 2G, 3G and 4G signals.
2,Draw-bar box designed for portability and easy moving;
3,Built-in rechargeable battery can be used for 90~120
minutes after being fully charged;
4,Manual switch and remote control;
5,Efficient frequency division ensures the best
interference effect on signals of different frequencies
6,Efficient power distribution minimizes power loss and
improves efficiency; the power can be regulated as
needed ( optional gear regulation);
7,Military standard casing, which is anti-throw, pressure-
resistant and durable;
8,AC110-220V/Built-in battery supply (DC24V)/Vehicle power
supply (DC24V);
9,Built-in efficient cooling fan and cooling fin ensures
the product work stably in a long service life
Net Weight 36kg
Total Weight66kg Aviation Case included
Ambient Temperature-10ºC - +50ºC
Relative Humidity≤80%
Power Consumption≤360W
Power InputAC100~240V,DC24V
Battery24V,33AH,Built-in standby battery
can used for 90~120 minutes
Antenna ParametersOmni antennas,gain:4~5dBi
Switch ControlManually
Equipment ChassisMetallic Paint
Band Parameters
DCS1800/1900:1805-1880MHz or 1920-1990MHz
4G:2345-2400MHz or 2620-2690MHz
4G1:725-770MHz or 790-826MHz

Third Floor,Block T,NanLian HengYu Industry Park,No.1,RuiJi Road,LongGang District,Shenzhen,Guangdong,China
(Kevin Wu) TEL: (86)755-23123361 Fax:(86)-755-23149611
Cellphone : 86-13640954818 Email:sale02@gasiajammer.com
Website: www.gasiajammer.com


6 Channels 15W Backpack GPS Drone Jammer Uav Isolator

6 Channels 15W Backpack GPS Drone Jammer UAV Isolator

High Power Backpack 6 Channels Mobile Signal Jammer 120W up to 200 meters is the
latest professional signal jammer of high power.
This type of frequncies is sepcially suitable for Drone / UAV Jammer.

It is suitable to protect important leadership or VIP security, individual combat,
SWAT teams, EOD teams, anti-terrorist units, anti-drug units, bomb squad, security
checkpoints, administrative law enforcement, hostage negotiations, border control
and military security forces and other application areas.

ParameterShielding Range:Radius 50-200 meters(-75dBm,
depending on the distance of
 base station in an open filed)
Transmission Power: Integrated Equipment≥120W,
each channel≥15W
Jammed Signal Types:CDMA,GSM,2.4G WIFI,5.8G WIFI,GPS L1,GPS L2-L5
Features1, Specially used for anti-terrorism, EOD, bomb-disposal, force filed
work, etc;
2, Large coverage for 6 channels frequencies and other customized
3,Backpack design for portable carry and flexible operation. Specially
applicable for emergency, transitions, temporary control
4,Built-in efficient rechargeable battery can be used for 2 hours after fully charged;
5,Camoflage customized backpack convenient to install and operate;
6,Metallic paint chassis box, pressure-resistant and durable;
7, Built-in efficient cooling fans and cooling fin ensure the product work stable in a long service time.
Net Weight 14.5kg
Total Weight30kg Aviation Case included
Ambient Temperature-10ºC - +50ºC
Relative Humidity≤80%
Power Consumption≤360W
Power InputAC100~240V,DC24V
Battery24V,30AH,Built-in standby battery
can used for 90~120 minutes
Antenna ParametersOmni antennas,gain:4~5dBi
Switch ControlManually
Equipment ChassisMetallic Paint
Band Parameters
2.4G WIFI:2400-2450MHz
2.4G WIFI:2450-2500MHz 
GPS L1:1520-1580MHz  
GPS L2-L5:1100-1300MHz 

Third Floor,Block T,NanLian HengYu Industry Park,No.1,RuiJi Road,LongGang District,Shenzhen,Guangdong,China
(Kevin Wu) TEL: (86)755-23123361 Fax:(86)-755-23149611
Cellphone : 86-13640954818 Email:sale02@gasiajammer.com
Website: www.gasiajammer.com