Adjustable Desktop 6 Antennas Cell Phone All Frequency Signal Jammer
JYT-670 6 antennas cell phone signal jammer(also as signal blocker,signal isolater) with frequncies of CDMA,GSM,PCS,3G,4G is our new arrival in 2017. The most advanced desgin of this cell phone jammer is the good cooling system,the face temperature is below 45°C while working under normal temperature,which enhance the stability of the device.
Meanhile ,it has the following features:
* 6 antennas for almost all cell phone signals
* With adjustable button to min or max single band
* With car charger, can be used in car directly
* Good cooling system, face temperature below 45°C (working under normal temperature)
* OEM welcomed
* 6 antennas for almost all cell phone signals
* With adjustable button to min or max single band
* With car charger, can be used in car directly
* Good cooling system, face temperature below 45°C (working under normal temperature)
* OEM welcomed
Jamming Frequencies:
European standard | American standard |
CDMA: 850-894MHz | CDMA: 850-894MHz |
GSM: 925-960MHz | GSM: 925-960MHz |
GSM/PCS: 1805-1990MHz | GSM/PCS: 1805-1990MHz |
3G: 2110-2170MHz | 3G: 2110-2170MHz |
4GLTE: 790-826MHz | 4GLTE: 725-770MHz |
4GWIMAX: 2620-2690MHz | 4GWIMAX: 2345-2400MH |
Advantages: |
1,6 antennas for almost all cell phone signals |
2,With adjustable button to min or max single band |
3, With car charger, can be used in car directly |
4,Good cooling system, face temperature below 45°C (working under normal temperature) |
5,OEM welcomed |
6,Stable capability |
7,Could be used in car directly, with car charger |
8,Total output power: 15W |
9,Full set weight: 4kg |
10,Power supply: AC 100-240V and 12V cable to car battery (300mm Long) |
11,Shielding radius: (10-40) meters at 75dBm (depends on the strength signal in given area) |
12,Dimensions: 346*116*60mm |
Application area:
- Can be applied at meeting rooms, conference rooms, trains and bus
- For some locations of special purpose such as hospitals, gas stations
- Do field test first to make sure no interference happened to the normal operation of their equipment and instrument
Company Advantage:
1,Our Company establish in 2011,More than 5 years design,develop,manufacture and export experence in wireless signal jammer.
2,Our products with high quality,Return rate less than 3% every year.
3,Timely delivery,The delay rate of delivery in previous years less than 3%.
3,We have a R&D team of 10 people can provide 5-10 new products what suitable for market each year!
4,The new products information will be priority provide to 2 to 3 company which like yours,period time is 1 month.
5,We are cooperation with Pakistan Gaverment to protect the leading and VIP in public place,we can provide the solution for you.
Third Floor,Block T,NanLian HengYu Industry Park,No.1,RuiJi Road,LongGang District,Shenzhen,Guangdong,China
(Kevin Wu) TEL: (86)755-23123361 Fax:(86)-755-23149611
Cellphone : 86-13640954818